2024 Employee BBQ

2024 Employee BBQ

Posted by Erin Morris, Images by Shawn Evans of Simplest Expressions on July 9, 2024 on Aug 2nd 2024

Each Independence Day, Azar Displays hosts a BBQ for the entire company. The Northern New Jersey team travels to Kingston, Pennsylvania, to meet the warehouse team they frequently communicate with by phone and email. Sporting matching Azar T-shirts, we come together as a family to take a break from our daily tasks, enjoy great food, and spend quality time with each other.

In addition to an extensive tour of the warehouse for the NJ team, activities included cornhole, whiffle ball, and a raffle. Music filled the air as both warehouse and sales employees were able to interact and celebrate another successful year of business. Speeches were delivered by many team members to express gratitude for every employee that puts their time, energy, and heart into making Azar Displays what it is today. Our annual BBQ fosters a sense of camaraderie and appreciation among all staff, motivating us to work hard year after year to propel our business. To all of our Azar team, THANK YOU!